BareMetal provides competitively priced .CA, .US, and .COM/NET/ORG/INFO/BIZ domain registrations. We are certified by CIRA for .ca registrations, and an OpenSRS reseller for the other domains.
Our registration system is easy to use, and (via the advanced options) provides a wide range of advanced features.
Our registrations include the following optional free services provided via our website:
- DNS service (point your domain anywhere),
- web forwarding (often called cloaking or URL gripping),
- web redirection,
- a one page website (business card),
- Domain parking (a "coming soon" web page),
- E-mail forwarding (of a single account)
- (For a small fee, you can enable a very powerful mail forwarding system with multiple levels of spam filtering.)
You also get the "feel good" bonus of helping support one of our selected charities! ($0.25 CDN per domain year.)
You can register a domain without a credit card. The system will accept "pay later" requests which we will complete when your cheque or money order arrives (or paypal).
See this page for domain management options.
For more information see our various FAQs: domain FAQ, .CA FAQ, other domains FAQ, or contact
Legal Stuff: The various legal documents, including the domain
registration agreements live at